Calcium Carbonate

In its pure form Calcium Carbonate is a crumbly opaque white solid.

The Chemical is used as a food additive and is often a replacement for Titanium Dioxide, also an art material and in some medicines as a bulking agent, in industrial Chemistry it’s used as an ingredient in the creation of concrete.

The chemical is often mined and then purified rather than produced in a lab

The chemical is easily processed by the body and is useful for the construction of bones when digested.

Chalk is a desiccant, absorbing nearby water and so not suitable for all situations.

Getting chalk in your lungs or eyes causes problems leading to soreness or itching, while eating too much may make you constipated. Beware when heating Chalk as it decomposes into Calcium Oxide and Carbon Dioxide which pose their own risks, this happens above 800C or 1500F far hotter than most foods will be cooked at.

The LD is 6 grams per kilogram, so a small amount in food or medicine is not a problem, trying to eat 100g or 4oz* in one go is not advised and may make you feel unwell, you will need to see a doctor if constipation persists.

Chemical Data Safety Sheets

Fisher Sci

Lab Chem

*Based on a body weight of 50kg or 110lbs




Sulphur Dioxide