Sulphur Dioxide

In its pure form Sulphur dioxide or E220 is a colourless rather smelly gas.

The chemical is sometimes used as a food preservative for dried fruit because it’s highly toxic to most life and can easily be added to the drying process after which it can be degassed to safe levels before sale

You may be aware of sulphur dioxide by its smell from burned matches, burning fossil fuels and depending on gut bacteria, particularly nasty wind.

Typically your nose is sensitive to this gas at 1 part in 2 million, with 1 part in 800 posing significant risk.

Mixing sulphur dioxide with water will produce sulphuric acid, a highly corrosive and dangerous chemical.

For limited use of this chemical use a fume hood or breathing equipment and take care to not breathe it in.

Try to avoid direct contact, wear lab coats and goggles, be aware some gloves may not be suitable for work with sulphuric acid.

Safety Data Sheets

Ineos Calabrain




Sigma Aldrich


Calcium Carbonate


MonoSodium Glutamate