Calcium Oxide

In its pure form, Calcium Oxide, E529 is a crumbly opaque white solid.

The chemical is used in food as a precursor of Calcium Hydroxide to regulate acidity and may be added to flour, in industrial chemistry it’s used as an ingredient in Concrete.

Calcium Oxide is a desiccant, absorbing nearby water.

You do not want it on your skin, in your eyes or in your lungs as it will become highly corrosive Calcium Hydroxide.

Ensure that you wear labcoat mask and goggles when working with it.

Fortunately when swallowed Calcium Oxide will be quickly neutralised by stomach acid and is not able to do damage to your body when ingested in small amounts so the LD50 when ingested is high, however most authorities set the acceptable daily intake at a very conservative due to the risk of it becoming Calcium Hydroxide.


USC Upstate


Hexamethylene Tetramine

