Hexamethylene Tetramine

In its pure form Hexamethylene tetramine is a colourless crystalline powder and sometimes goes by the names methenamine, hexamine and urotropin.

HMTA is used in food as a preservative, usually in seafood.

Due to it’s chemistry and that acidity can hydrolyse HMTA into formaldehyde the foods for which this chemical is a suitable preservative are limited and even there it’s used sparingly with an acceptable daily intake of 100 milligrams* per day.

HMTA is flammable so keep away from open flames, as with many powders you don’t want to breathe it in or get it in your eyes, ensure eye protection is worn, and do not eat.

Sigma Aldrich

Thermo Fisher Scientific

Honeywell Fluka

Spectrum Chemical

*Based on a body mass of 50kg, 110lbs


Acetic Acid


Calcium Oxide